The Academy Day


Morning Session8:55am - 12.20pm
Lunchtime12:20pm - 1:20pm
Afternoon Session1:20pm - 3:30pm

The Forest View Academy is 8:55am to 3:30pm (6 hours and 35 minutes per day).  This is 32 hours and 55 minutes per week.

Good attendance is vital. We ask parents to ensure that their children attend the academy unless prevented from doing so by their own illness. We also ask that children come to The Forest View Academy on time.

If you take your child on holiday during term time it will be recorded as an ‘unauthorised absence’. If a child has a large number of unauthorised absences, it can trigger off further action or a penalty fine as it is a parents’ legal obligation to ensure that their child attends school regularly. For further information please refer to the ‘Attendance Policy’.

Wrap around care - before & after school clubs
Morning Session7:30am - 8:55am
Afternoon Session3:30pm -5:30pm

Maun children are escorted to Maun in the mornings and walked up to Forest View for the afterschool club

For more information please contact the academy office.