


How we teach Maths

Our children are taught maths in sets. Any child who has achieved year group expectations in class is then given the opportunity to work on these objectives in greater depth.

The Forge Approach to teaching maths is used in planning all weekly lessons by the teachers

National Curriculum objectives are placed in our long-term planning, to ensure there is adequate coverage throughout the year. Content is determined by the National Curriculum, and by our gap analysis, based on termly summative assessments. We incorporate daily “Closing the Gap” teaching (based on formative assessments) in our morning maths.

Our children benefit from a structured maths week, which includes four stages of topic teaching, matched to national curriculum objectives, followed by one stage,  using  and practising calculation/arithmetic (low-stakes testing and gaps). However, if children have not understood an area of maths sufficiently, with the majority meeting year group expectations in an area of learning, then the learning will continue during the following maths sessions.

Maths is also timetabled for fifteen minutes every morning between 9:00 and 9:15. In four, “Morning Maths” sessions, years three and four focus on times table recall and application. Years five and six focus on gaps in a “5 a Day,” session. Problem solving is specifically taught and explored in one weekly session, when children use the, R.I.C.E. or R.U.K.C.S.A.C. acronym to structure their ideas and thinking.

The overriding aims of the national curriculum: fluency/ reasoning and problem solving are addressed in all areas of maths. In every lesson, there is the opportunity to apply learning, reason and problem solve within the, “Steps to Success”.

Times Tables

The National Curriculum states that by the end of year four, children should know their multiplication facts to 12 times 12. We encourage children to learn their tables through a times table reward scheme. This allows children to sit a test for a bronze/ silver/ gold or Forest View Award badge, once they have the relevant stickers on their class times table chart. “Times Table Rock Stars” is used across school to improve attainment and recall.


Bronze         –                 2,3,4,5,8,10 times tables.

Silver           –                 6,7,9 times tables.

Gold            –                 11,12, times tables, and multiplying/ dividing by                                         10/100/1000

FV Award –                     Multiplying 2 by 1 digit.

                                        Multiplying and dividing whole numbers by decimals.

Cross Curricular Maths

Maths skills are applied in other areas of the curriculum at Forest View. Applying in this way encourages learning at greater depth. For example, during science and geography topics, measure and data are incorporated when presenting results or looking at temperatures. In history, looking at timelines and dates reinforces children’s grasp of number. In P.E. we encourage children to measure, whether this is distance, time or repetitions, much of our work in D.T. incorporates measuring activities also. During theme weeks such as, “Enterprise Week” children produce maths work related to the theme. Teachers engage children in “Learning outside of lessons” throughout the day (eg calculating the fraction of children having a school dinner)

Teaching Methods

Our aims – in all of the maths we teach in school – are to: improve fluency (speed and accuracy), encourage reasoning (through talking and justifying) and to solve a range of problems by applying content.

We teach by firstly using concrete objects to model ideas to children/ allow children to explore. Then we represent maths using pictures and diagrams, and finally we use mathematical symbols. This approach is reflected in our calculation policy shared with parents on our school website, which can be accessed via this link, and resources are provided in each classroom to facilitate this approach.

Every maths lesson has an element of, “Maths Talk” within it.


Differentiation can be seen in all maths sessions, through our “Steps to Success” Children are not moved on to new content until they are secure in what they are learning. The “Steps to Success,” are a means to achieving age related expectations, while a, “Starred Step,” target provides opportunity to apply the same learning at greater depth. Therefore, if a child has achieved the steps in a session, they may begin the following session on the, “Starred Step” which allows for applying their maths in a different way.

Our children are taught in maths sets matched to their ability, whilst allowing the opportunity for all to apply learning once it is embedded using the, “Starred Step”

Flexible interventions aim to ensure progress for any children who have not understood an element of maths being taught that day/ week. Teachers use guided group work to address gaps in lessons. The aim is to ensure at least good progress is made.

Our more able mathematicians take part in the annual, “Primary Maths Challenge”.  During our annual “Puzzle Week” our more able mathematicians run the puzzle stalls for the year three, four and five children.

The methods and strategies used to teach maths are having a positive impact on learning. 2023 SAT’s results showed that 76% (compared to 73% nationally) of children were working at the national standard, while 22% of children were working in the greater depth in maths range.

Maths at Forest View is constantly evolving, as we face the challenges of covering a demanding curriculum. We are looking forward to working with the motivated children we teach, and to another successful year of maths.